Wednesday 27 June 2012

Is Instant Messaging Killing the ENGLISH LANGUAGE!!! :O

So Elizabeth and I were questioning the whole idea of whether or not Instant messaging was killing the english language. In our blog we joke and use a little bit of "Chat-Speak"  but its crazy how not too long ago i remembered this topic was even in the media when a student submitted an essay and it was written for the most part in "Chat-Speak", now after i LMFAO thinking to myself how this was really possible i really had to question it. Are students today so taken and absorbed by this new way of communication that their forgetting the rules to basic english? In an article titled "The negative effects of texting in the classroom" was clear and evident. This article stated that students were starting to "Chat-Speak" even when it came to the real world some examples from this article was "One student, a fifteen year-old boy wrote on his job application “i want 2 b a counselor because i love to work with kids.” Also, Montana Hodgen, a 16 year-old girl from New Jersey said she was so accustomed to instant messaging abbreviations that she reads past them when she sees them. O’Connor’s point is that kids who heavily use forms of instant messaging, such as texting, can change how they “read words on a page”."

Full article details can be found @: (Author: John Myhra, December 3, 2010 Para.5)

So this article has some pros and cons. It's clear that students who are heavily engaged in "chat-speaking" have a harder time distiguishing proper english from "Chat-Speaking" however it seems that this may be a good thing to a certain level because learning to abbreviate things is allowing students to read at a faster pace.

We would like to know how many feel "Chat-speaking" is better then English?

To determine this please leave comments and the word "Chat" for chat-speaking or "English" for of course English so that we may see what the public prefers.

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