Wednesday 27 June 2012

Instant Messaging in the WORKPLACE :O

There are many people who would think Instant messaging in a workplace?? Really? but yes it does exist it does in fact provide a more efficient way of communicating messages mainly because it allows us to now step away from the computer, travel and still stay connected to the people around us through mobile devices. It allows that message to be relayed to someone else or by instant messaging more then one person the same message. Taken straight from a Nelson business communication process and product book it states the beneficial factors as to why IM is used in the workplace and why it may even replace emails. It also staes why it may be banned in some companies stating... "Many may find IM disruptive and stressful. They want time to think before answering. Others say IM is one more intrusion in a crazy world of multitasking that dilutes focus and reduces efficiency. A bigger worry is that IM opens the door to huge security risks unless businesses invest in professional IM software that sits behind a firewall and logs asll communication." It's very easy to see why it is being used but also why some choose not to have it as it does pose a risk to business and even in some cases their clients. There are of course ways to use IM in a more safer mannor by having your boss give you the ok for using it and knowing if your company is being safetly protected from any threats. Always keeping in mind to keep everything professional. Instant messaging (IM) can be a very useful tool in both tihe outside world but also in the work place as long as there can be a proper distiction made between the two.

Please Refer to Nelson Business Communication process and product (Guffey, Rhodes, Rogin, 2008)

Do you agree that IM should be allowed and used at most companies?

On a scale of 1-10 where 10 is the most efficient and 1 being the least efficient How efficient do you feel IMing would be?

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